Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


AugmentAero (referred to as "we," "us," or "our") is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our business operations and supply chain. We recognize our responsibility to take a strong stance against these crimes and are dedicated to promoting ethical practices within our organization and among our business partners.

Our Policies

We have zero tolerance for modern slavery and human trafficking. Our policies and practices are designed to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We are committed to:

  1. Ethical Employment Practices: We uphold ethical employment practices, ensuring fair wages, reasonable working hours, and safe working conditions for all our employees.

  2. Supplier Due Diligence: We assess the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure they comply with our standards and adhere to ethical practices.

  3. Training and Awareness: We provide training to our employees to raise awareness of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking. Our employees are encouraged to report any concerns they may have regarding these issues.

Supplier Expectations

We expect our suppliers and business partners to share our commitment to eliminating modern slavery and human trafficking. We require them to:

  1. Compliance: Comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to slavery and human trafficking in the countries where they operate.

  2. Transparency: Provide us with transparency into their operations, ensuring they have mechanisms in place to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking.

  3. Collaboration: Collaborate with us to address any identified risks and take appropriate actions to mitigate them.

Reporting Concerns

We encourage anyone, including employees, suppliers, or other stakeholders, to report any concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking. Reports can be made confidentially and will be investigated promptly.


At AugmentAero, we are dedicated to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking from our business and supply chain. We will continue to assess our practices, provide training, and collaborate with our stakeholders to ensure that our commitment to ethical business conduct remains steadfast.

Date: 31 October 2023